Getting Started
Company / Organization  
Company/Organization: *
PLEASE Use only characters or numbers,no comma or periods.

Street Address: *
City, State, and Zip: *
Website Address:
Type of Organization: *
Are you a Non-Profit Organization? *
Describe the Nature of your Business: *
Employer ID (EID):
State of Formation:
How many years have you been in business?
How many employees do you have?
Primary Contact  
Name: *
Phone: *
Email: *
Are you the person responsible for making this decision for your company?
If not, please tell us who is:
Billing Contact  
Name: *
Phone: *
Email: *
Billing street address:
City, State, and Zip:
Create User Login Account  
User ID: *
must be at least 6 and no more than 10 alpha-numeric characters.
Password: *
must be at least 6 and no more than 10 alpha-numeric characters.
Name of User: *
User's Email: *
Screening Services  
Do you currently perform background checks?
Reason for changing current service:
What time frame are you looking to begin screening services with us?
Which services are you interested in?
How did you hear about us?
Intended Use of the Information to be Provided: *
Any Initial Questions or Comments:

Please carefully read the Terms and Conditions of the Edify Administration Professionals, Inc. Consumer Reports User Agreement.

The extent of the services EDIFY will provide Client on any given instance will depend upon what services the Client requests via EDIFY's website, electronic submission system, email, or by other means according to the provision outlined in your Service Agreement.  Additionally, before any services can be rendered to your organization we must verify you have a lawful permissible purpose under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and that you make certain Client certifications as required by law and outlined in our Service Agreement.  Upon submission of this Application for Services you will received our digital Service Agreement plus Exhibits and any additional materials which must be authorized and received by us prior to your account being activated.  

By clicking the SUBMIT button above, you are requesting EDIFY Background Screening to establish a Service Agreement for your organization and create an account and to begin using our service background screening services.  Your Service Agreement will arrive in a separate email and must be authorized and returned to us before your account can be activated.  You may cancel our service at any time without penalty and you will only be responsible for any outstanding invoices, or unbilled products or services already performed at the time of you cancellation.      

Do you agree to the above Terms and Conditions?
Fields with a "*" Must be Completed.
DISCLAIMER: Sample documents, State notices, and/or any other forms or publications provided to our clients should NOT be construed as legal advice, guidance or counsel. Employers are encouraged to consult competent legal counsel about their compliance responsibilities under the FCRA and applicable state law. EDIFY Administration Professionals, Inc. expressly disclaims any warranties or responsibility or damages associated with or arising out of information provided, and client agrees to edeminify and hold harmless EDIFY, its officers, and employees.